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Physical, social, emotional, verbal and cyber, five types of what you may ask? Bullying. Bullying can be defined as any unwanted attention or behaviour that is repeated or there is the possibility of it being repeated over time. It can be as simple as name calling; if someone was to give you a nickname you didn’t like but continued to tease you by calling you by it every day that would be considered bullying. In more brutal cases a bully could physically harm an individual by beating them up on multiple occasions. ​​

Bullying is a concept that has been around for decades but up until recently it wasn’t as large of a problem. The outcomes of situations where people are bullied have become very severe, some even ending with the victim committing suicide. This is not something we should be hiding from and trying to brush under the carpet. These are real people who are struggling with a real issue. Talking about bullying and understanding how to get involved is the first step to ending it. How to deal with bullying is probably the most controversial part. What are the consequences for the bully? Who is the person that gets to make that call? Why do they get to decide? A big topic up for debate is if in the case of suicide the bully should be charged with murder and there is quite a bit of controversy regarding this idea. There are so many factors to think about concerning this issue and sometimes it may seem like a difficult task to bring up the topic of bullying because of the different viewpoints.

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